Is it necessary to introduce myself here? Does is make anyone else uncomfortable to talk about yourself? Well...this is me: Berta
As of today, I'm 37 years old and counting.
It's hard for me to believe I'm approaching 40 and venturing out with a new business plan. Might be hard to believe but here I am... continuing to learn more about myself and my passions.
Up until this point, I've worn many hats. Right out of college I was an intervention specialist for 5 years. I enjoy the school environment and being with kids everyday has is joys and challenges. My husband's job pulled me from teaching after year 5 when we moved to Kentucky for his work. Our son had just turned one and I began my season of being a stay at home mom. During this time, we quickly realized that while being home with the kids was the best option for our family, I still needed an outlet to help provide income for our family. It was then that my first business was born. For about 9 years I ran a small crafting business from our home. Being creative and bringing in income while caring for our children was true blessing but in 2020 I began to feel my passions shift.
The dream for New Every Mornin' was stemmed from a need in my family. Following the passing of a family member, I offered to help purge and clear out an estate. This process had become overwhelming for my family members responsible and I felt strongly I could offer assistance and lighten and load. When all was said and done, I was surprised how satisfying this type of work felt to me and I couldn't help but think others out there might need some help!
I have certainly taken some time to determine my motivation behind this new endeavor and I can say with confidence, it is to help others. I am grateful that the Lord has given us all different gifts and talents which we can use to glorify him.
1 Corinthians 12:27 "All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it."
I feel strongly that my desire to take cluttered chaos and turn into manageable space is something God has instilled in me. My prayer is that I can use this gift to help others overcome those areas in their home and work that have become paralyzing to them. I hope you will be a part of this journey with me as I build my business and help make homes more manageable along the way!